Contract Agents: 3a and 3b

Contract Agents

The recruitment and the career of contract staff at the Commission are governed by the Commission decision C(2011)1264 of 2 March 2011 as amended by the Commission decisions C(2013) 2528 of 3 may 2013 and the Commission decision C(2013) 8967 of 16 December 2013. 

Two different category of contract staff exists: 3a and 3b.

Contract Agents type 3a
They can be recruited, on either a part time or full-time basis in a post not included in the establishment plan for the Commission's services as function group I, and for the administrative offices of the Commission, EPSO, the Commission Representations and EU Delegations. This category of staff benefits from a contract that can be converted into a contract of indefinite duration, after a first renewal.

Contract Agents type 3b (also called “auxiliary contract”)
They are employed by the Commission and  are engaged for short periods: 3 months minimum and 6 years maximum.

In 2007 R&D Ispra launched a legal action against the abuse of determined contracts by the Commission recalling a sentence of the civil service tribunal in which it was stated that permanent contract are «the general form of work relationship between the employer and the employee, characterized by work stability, whereas, only in few cases does a temporary work relationship mutually satisfies both the needs of employer and employee».