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We regret that some Trade Unions (TAO/AFI, Generation 2004Save Europe and USI) could not resist lowering the tone on the final days of the electoral campaign. They have all sent misleading messages or personal attacks on individual staff representatives with the purpose of damaging the lists Seville Voice and R&D.
Since R&D works only with facts and not unfounded allegations, we here publish the proof that the issue regarding the representativeness of the list Seville Voice was generated 100% because of internal communication problems within Generation 2004 itself.
This is the message sent yesterday evening by a Generation 2004 representative at JRC Seville to his leader in Brussels (Stefan Grech -  Chair, Generation 2004 adf):

From: [name deleted for reasons of privacy]
Sent: 09 April 2015 22:33
To: GRECH Stefan (CDP-OSP)
Subject: Sevilla Voice list

Dear Stefan,

I understand your point that you do not like see Generation 2004 associated to the Seville Voice list. Paola has suggested to correct the pre-election declaration and to declare the 11% as independent, which I hope will resolve the issue. My apologies for my mistake and the trouble this has caused. Nevertheless, I believe that the protracted situation is partly caused by the absence of a local staff committee in Seville and I hope that we will see some progress on this in the near future.

Best wishes, [name deleted for reasons of privacy]

ElectoParade - Top Vergognation
To mitigate the anxiety of the above-mentioned Trade Unions for their imminent electoral results, we wish to issue them some prizes:

1) Prize "TAOfazzi 2015" to TAO/AFI for its message explaining the reasons pushing all candidates from all Trade Unions to become staff representatives:

“to each of the 290 candidates we can associate one of the following reasons;
- To solve personal problem/s .
- Possibility of leaving the service without the obligation of justifying the absence.
- To create relationships with VIP (Director General, Commissioners,...) to gain personal benefit.
- Have access to confidential information.
- Power trip.
- Lack of motivation in the service.
- Don Quixote.
- Robin Hood.
- Take a "selfy" with a VIP to decorate the wall of his office.
- Travel (missions).
- Handle information.
- Indicate in the annual appraisal report "Completed tasks in the institution's interest."
- To bring votes in the list.
- Exhibitionism...”

Thanks to their extraordinary performance, TAO/AFI also wins the prize "Best LSC weakening action 2015" awarded by the Administration, and the gratitude of all candidates for finally making them feeling part of the same united body, sharing the same values and principles.

2) Prize "8 March" to USI for its public recognition of the hard work, commitment and dedication of Ms Paola Di Pietrogiacomo in favour of Seville staff.

3) Prize "Scajola 2015" to Generation 2004, which received a quota of representativeness from Seville Voice without his knowledge.

4) Prize "Dummy Bullhorn" to TAO/AFI and SAVE Europe for their sensationalistic relaunch of the alleged electoral fraud of Seville Voice.

5) Prize "Lapalissade" to SAVE Europe for its discovery that "voting for one Union or for another isn't the same thing".

6) Prize "Voglio vivere così..." to SAVE Europe for its accusation of camouflage to Seville Voice, when they present ISCA (100% SAVE Europe).

7) Prize "Coitus interruptus" to SAVE Europe for noticing only one out of four ex-Caterpillar candidates standing for elections.
For full climax, 2 are standing with R&D, 1 with Generation 2004, 1 with CISL and 4 are no longer candidates.

Many thanks to all these Trade Unions: we wish them a good electoral result to continue having fun!! ---)))

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