A EU Tribunal ruling that affects promotions and careers of all AST and AD grades?

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In the Anagnostu Case (F-72/11) the Tribunal stipulated that the Commission has incorrectly applied the rules concerning the promotions rates imposed by the Staff Regulations.  Indeed, DG HR has for years applied arbitrary promotion rates, which have been sys­tematically and unlawfully imposed on the Joint Promotion Committee since 2004. R&D members decisively contributed to the collective action, which follows exactly the position R&D has been advocating for years in the Joint Promotion Committee as well as through communications to the staff and letters to both the Commission and the Administration (see Promotion exercise and quotas). R&D remains convinced that this is  serious problem that affects considerably the staff of ALL  grades and categories and will continue to act in close collaboration with other Trade Unions and the Central Staff Committee in order to undertake all collective, necessary and urgent actions to bring the issue yet again to the awareness of the College.

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