Promotions: many doubts...

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Why DGs with officials having more than 10 years seniority in their grade receive 0 possibilities for promotion in that grade ?
Why DG ** , with 42 officials having reached the expected seniority in their grade, receives only 23 possibilities for promotion for that grade ?
Why, in that same grade, DG ## receives 9 more possibilities for promotion than officials having reached the expected seniority ? Why DG ## can reward with fast promotions officials with high merits, while DG ** cannot even propose for a normal promotion almost 20 good officials, in that same grade ?
Why, in another grade, DG %%, receives 3 times more possibilities for promotion than officials having reached the expected seniority (ie almost as many as the number of eligible officials in the grade) ? Why, in that same another grade, DG ++ receives less promotions than officials having reached the expected seniority ?
Why all AD12 and AD13 from the Cabinets, included those that are not head (or deputy head) of Cabinet, are eligible for promotion ?
Why DG HR delays, delays, and delays again the launch of the exercise for AST9, AD12 and AD13 excluded from the current promotion exercise ?
Why DG HR did not answer the note sent by the Central Staff Committee, more than a month ago, asking for clear answers on those points and many others ?
Why …..  so many questions and …. 0 answer from DG HR ?
You, we, all of us, deserve explanations. R&D kindly asks all Directors General to add this point to the agenda of the next meeting they will have with DG HR, hoping they will get the answers R&D and the CSC could not get so far.

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